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15 Hair Tips Every Girl Should Know

When it comes to healthy hair, it’s not only about shampoo or product you apply. Healthy hair is a sign of over all health and habits. Women spend a lot of time and money to get perfect hair. After all your hair adds so much to your personality. It deserves all the care and time.
hair care tips

Here are some easy basic hair tips every girl must know:

1) Don’t brush wet hair as it’s more prone to breakage. Use a wide tooth comb to de-tangle wet hair.
2) For frizzy hair, use hair serum. Hair serum moisturizes your hair with light oil or silicone. Use only a few drops as too much serum would weigh down your hair and make it greasy. Apply on the ends and lightly working it up the length.
3) Keeping yourself well hydrated from the inside will make you glow on the outside. Always keep a water bottle with you while working, watching t.v or out shopping.
4) Don’t abuse your hair with heat and harsh chemicals. Chlorine in pools, hair dyes, bleaches and permanent treatments like straightening are damaging if done repeatedly.
5) Use sulphate, paraben and alcohol free shampoos. These strip moisture from your hair.
6) Use any hair oil like olive oil or coconut oil on damp hair. Applying oil or product on damp hair absorbs better.
7) Always use a heat proctectant product before heat styling. These heat proctectant products come in the form of oils, serum, spray etc.
8) Avoid hair ties that has a metal end as it breaks your hair.
9) Instead of towel drying your hair, use an old t-shirt. Towel can make your hair frizzy and prone to breakage.


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